Activities in Obstetrics

Osteopathy has a great field of action in the conception phase, in pregnancy and in the postpartum period, as well as in the first months of the baby’s life.
Before pregnancy, Osteopathy works by harmonizing the hormonal system, releasing tissue tensions in the glands that prevent their proper functioning, as well as releasing the hip and abdomen, enabling better vascularization of the region, so that no tension harms the conception and implantation of the egg in the uterus.
It also balances the Neurovegetative System, reducing stress and anxiety, which is usually present in this moment of “wanting to get pregnant”.
Monitoring during pregnancy helps with emotional state, reducing restlessness and nervousness, and acts on headaches, spine and hip pain. It improves the functioning of the intestine, reducing the tendency to constipation and the appearance of hemorrhoids, and helps in cases of edema.
During childbirth, several tensions and compressions of tissues and joints can occur in both the mother and the baby. Osteopathy works by releasing these compressions, allowing the baby to develop smoothly and for the mother to have a quick recovery, even avoiding postpartum depression that can be caused by a compression of the hip generated during childbirth.
That’s why it’s important for the hip to be free from tension and twists, so that spontaneous delivery is as peaceful as possible.