Biodynamic Osteopathy

“Simplified, Osteopathy is the art of using the hand to induce a therapeutic process governed for the health of the patient.”James Jealous DO 


Joint pain in the spine and limbs, muscle pain, herniated discs, protrusions, sciatica, carpal tunnel, sprains, muscle strains, scoliosis, bursitis, tendinitis, …
Who is it for?
Osteopathy works for all ages, from newborns, children, adults, pregnant women and the elderly.

Osteopathy performance



Dr Juliane

My professional career began with the physiotherapy course at PUCCAMP . The idea of ​​helping people recover after an accident fascinated me. I delved into the field of neurological rehabilitation and worked for 16 years in a renowned neurological rehabilitation clinic for adults in Germany. In recent years I felt that in certain cases physical therapy did not have enough tools to adequately help patients…

We are at the address: Rua Nove de Julho, 72 – Conj. 164 – North Tower – Santo Amaro – São Paulo CEP: 04739-010

8 + 9 =

To schedule an appointment?